Ohio TERT Team OH-1 received their Mission Briefing tonight. As of press time, they will be assigned to assist in Lee County, Florida. Committee Co-Chairs Mory Fuhrmann and Cody Post, Mission Team Lead Nick DiCicco, and Ohio APCO Chapter President Johnna Sells provided critical information asto the situation at hand. Also on hand were Franklin County Emergency Management and Homeland Security Director Jeff Young and Ohio EMA Director Sima Merick to offer words of support and encouragement for the coming assignment.

The team is set to depart at 06:00 on Monday morning from Gahanna.










Ohio TERT is part of the National Joint TERT Initiative. For media inquiries during their deployment, please contact Committee Co-Chair Mory Fuhrmann at fuhrmannm@mifflin-oh.gov, or Committee Member Adam Moledor at amoledor@southsummitdispatch.com